Digital gastronomic library

With a wealth of over 15,000 printed volumes dating from the 15th century to today, the Barilla Academyā€™s Gastronomic Library is an exceptional instrument of knowledge on the evolution of gastronomy and taste.

In agreement with the Municipality of Parma, it contains over 150 cornerstones in digital format, freely available from the website ā€œParma e la sua storiaā€ [ā€Parma and its historyā€™], by clicking on TABLE OF CONTENTS of Italian gastronomy works available in digital format.

The digitalised texts, all in the public domain and copyright-free, can be directly looked up and browsed online; the system makes it possible to freely print pages of interest.

Books not available in digital format can be consulted on-site at the offices of the Barilla Academy, on appointment only: please call +39.0521.264060 or send an e-mail through the websiteā€™s contact page.
