Marinated Fusilli in dill and ginger chlorophyll with smoked salmon and Pesto alla Genovese
12.69 oz Fusilli (Barilla)
1.76 oz Barilla āPesto alla Genoveseā
1.76 oz dill
0.7 oz ginger
1.41 oz celery
14.1 oz seasonal vegetables
(courgettes, carrots, radishes, green beans, asparagus..)
3.5 oz smoked salmon fillet
1.76 oz extra virgin olive oil
Salt to taste
Pepper to taste
Wash and clean the ginger and dill thoroughly, keeping a few small tufts of dill and slivers of ginger for garnishing. Put the rest in the juicer and keep the resulting liquid.
Wash the green beans, carrots, courgettes or any other seasonal vegetables. Dice them small and blanch in salted water for a few seconds, then cool in ice water; drain and set aside.
Wash the celery, radishes and asparagus thoroughly. Use a potato peeler to cut the asparagus into slivers and immediately place in water and ice.
The asparagus waste that is difficult to cut into slivers can be diced up and, possibly, blanched in water as we did with the other vegetables earlier.
Cut the radishes into thin slivers as well. As for the celery, preferably use the whitest part: dice and set aside, covering it with a small piece of wet paper.
For all vegetables to be used raw, we recommend putting them in ice water for at least 30 minutes to make them crunchier.
Cook the fusilli in plenty of salted water and drain 1 minute before the suggested cooking time on the packet. Cool them quickly.
Dice the salmon fillet and put it in a large bowl, then add all the ingredients you prepared earlier; season with the ginger and dill extract, extra virgin olive oil, salt and pepper. Be sure to save a few tablespoons of dill and ginger extract for the final garnishing. All you have to do is add a few tablespoons of olive oil to obtain a smooth and bright sauce.
Dish it up, preferably on a dinner plate, and use a brush to spread some Barilla āPesto alla Genoveseā on the base of the dish. Arrange the pasta, previously seasoned, garnish with the dill and ginger oil you had put aside and add a few dill leaves, the radishes, the ginger and the asparagus slivers.