12.3 oz Mezze Maniche pasta – Barilla
7.05 oz dried chickpeas
1.76 oz extra virgin olive oil
10.5 oz monkfish
3 cloves of garlic
1 salted anchovy
1 small bunch of parsley
1 carrot
1/2 onion
salt and pepper
1 bunch of sage and rosemary
3.5 oz stale bread
Leave the chickpeas to soak in cold water for about 24 hours. Rinse them and put them in a pot of cold water, without salt. Add the carrot, celery and onion and cook.
Heat up half of the extra virgin olive oil with the sage, rosemary and garlic in a small frying pan for 1 minute to obtain an oil which, while cooking, will be infused with the aromas of herbs, then set aside.
When cooked, take out the chickpeas and some of the cooking water, pass them through a mill or blend them, then season with the oil flavoured with sage, rosemary and garlic.
Put an unpeeled clove of garlic and a stalk of parsley in a frying pan with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil, add the monkfish, diced up small, and sautée quickly. Add salt and pepper to taste.
Take the stale bread and dice it up small, then put it in a pan with the garlic to give it some flavour, then add the salted anchovy, chopped parsley and chilli pepper.
Cook the pasta in plenty of salted water, drain 2 minutes before it is ready and finish cooking it in the pan with the monkfish.
Preparing the dish:
Arrange the cream of chickpeas on a plate, then immediately add the pasta that was sautéed with the monkfish and garnish with the diced stale bread.