Tuna Loaf

Tuna loaf is a quick and easy Italian traditional recipe: discover the taste.
50 min
4 Persone
50 min
INGREDIENTI: per 4 persone
  • 1 lb canned tuna , in oil
  • 2 eggs
  • salt
  • olive oil
  • parsley
  • 4 tbsp Parmigiano Reggiano cheese , grated
  • lemon zest , grated

Beat the eggs, add the tuna and a little parsley, cheese, breadcrumbs and lemon.
Mix everything together and from into a loaf.


Meanwhile, take a sheet of grease-proof paper, grease with the oil and lay the loaf on top.
Tie up in a kitchen string net.


Meanwhile, in a pot, bring abundant water to the boil, immerse the loaf in it and leave to cook for about 20 minutes.


Drain, remove the paper, and leave in the fridge overnight.


When the loaf is cold, slice and dress with oil and lemon juice, or with a sauce prepared with oil, parsley, 2-3 cloves of garlic, an anchovy, capers and the juice of half a lemon, everything finely chopped.

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