Who we are

Academia Barilla.


Welcome to the place where culture and food feed off each other. At Academia Barilla tradition and experimentation constantly meet and cross. Here everything starts from food.

In fact, this is the place where the first Barilla production plant opened in 1910 and since 2004 our journey expanded from words about food to cooking it.

Those who need a comprehensive approach will have access to Italy’s largest food and wine library here.

Those who want to learn will find courses, master classes and events held by top level chefs and experts.

Those who are foodies in their heart will find an amazing database of recipes.

© Brahmino

Our matrix is the Mediterranean cuisine, a diet that is mostly plant based, healthy, tasty and with a low impact on the Planet.

And we are the main ambassadors of this cuisine because Academia Barilla means first and foremost pasta. Thanks to pasta, the Mediterranean Diet becomes a right for everyone worldwide because pasta is a global food, yet extraordinarily local and every culture can interpret it in its own way.

Moreover, we are a link. Virtual, for those who are browsing this platform. Real, for those who approach Italian cuisine at a global level. We organise events dedicated to promoting the most innovative recipes of international chefs who have chosen pasta as their inspiration. We involve influencers, journalists and critics in an endless quest for new trends, new ways of thinking and imagining food.

© Brahmino

Because we strongly believe that food is a tool that can improve our lives and the places where we live. Especially Italian cuisine that is strongly sensory-based and full of values. It is a spontaneous and free way of expressing oneself, of connecting with others and living life.

So, enjoy the food, enjoy this journey and open up your eyes. You will find the beauty of our work. Because we believe that food should not only be and taste good, but it should also look good. It is universal and the oldest form of art. Something to enjoy with all the senses. Starting from sight.
